Thursday, July 12, 2012

Sports Gives Good Health And

Sports gives good Health, and what impact this has on the mental health and quality of life?

What is health?�
The definition of health is not just absence of disease and suffering, but perfect physical, mental and social well-being. We all have physical, mental and social conditions that we are more or less happy with. Many believe that this definition of health is unattainable since thousands are dying of malaria, AIDS, and hunger every day.�

Good health means to experience the peace of mind, meaning and value in life and cope with the challenges we face. The values of the good life is far more difficult to measure accurately the numbers. There is no correlation between the extent of disease and extent of the good life. It turns out that people who experience a high quality of life, have stronger immune system, are sick less often and have shorter illness by disease than people who do not experience life as good and meaningful.�

Health model tells where we must invest if we are to work to improve health in the population. For those who are often sick, it is important to prevent illness and injury and to reduce the risk of disease. The development of tourist trails for exercise and campaigns against smoking and alcohol may be two measures. For people who are so often ill, it is important to focus on strengthening those aspects of the individual's life situation and the society that makes our life worth living, prosperity and security in everyday life, good, social networks, good local environment and experience of community and belonging.�

When we think of health, emphasis is placed on the person unable to perform the tasks in the community that it has received, and that humans thrive in the tasks it has been, and are able to adapt and enjoy their space and are able to adapt to the norms and rules. This has an impact on common sense, and has an intrinsic value in itself.

A traditional understanding that includes both positive and negative factors, see good health as a state of homeostasis, which is equilibrium and harmony between the different parts of the human body and between humans and the environment. In the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates argued that good health was based on a balance between building blocks in the body, which he believed to be four different body bags. Later on health been understood as being functional. A healthy person is able to solve the many tasks and challenges a person faces in their normal environment.�

An understanding of health as equilibrium seems reasonable. Nevertheless, the incomplete. First, sick people may also experience balance. The healthy man in the modern world is dynamic. Health is linked to development. It is also good health to be in growth and development at all levels, physical, mentally and socially. A healthy person has the ability to combine caring for your health in the medical sense to seek new experiences, learn new skills, meet new people, move into new environments, and expand their horizons. Temporary pain and suffering may be part of a healthy life if it gives different values in the longer term.�

Being able to participate in a sport is a right every human being has. It is also of importance for the development of children and young people, because sports characterize and build children's mental and physical health. They also help children to make valuable social ties to the world around us. Sport gives children more opportunities to express themselves, whether through play. This plays an important role for children who live in countries that are characterized by poverty and war. Sport is also an option to prevent drug abuse and youth crime, by providing children and young people to continue with an activity in their spare time.�

It is also proven that the sport has a correlation with academic achievement. If you are physically active have a greater capacity and ability to learn and retain information, this can at best lead to better grades.�

Sport may even be helping to promote equality between women and men, girls and boys. This is because the girls in many countries have less opportunities to make friends and provide a social circle because they must care for and organize the home. Sport can also help to build bridges between countries and societies that are full of problems.�

Physical activity has an impact on health, it improves quality of life. It seems healthy, mentally and physically, and also helps with personal challenges, shared experiences and social meeting places in safe and good growing environment.�

Provides sporting good health?�
Many will answer yes. Physical Activity and Sport has been associated with good health for many centuries. The body is designed for versatile use of the muscles. There is a clear connection between being physical inactivity and disease and death. Inactive is particularly prone to cardiovascular disease, for diabetes, some cancers, osteoporosis, and depression.�

If we stop with the training to clear the positive effects on your health pretty quickly. Some positive effects are:�
- Increased work capacity�
- Greater profits and more job satisfaction�
- Strengthened immune system�
- Stronger bone, cartilage, tendons and strips�
- Natural drainage of stress reactions�

This was just a few examples.�
At the same time limits on how much exercise and activity your body can withstand. The effect of physical activity on health depends on how often and how hard we train. The effect levels off after that we increase the training volume. The effect of very large amounts of exercise can actually be in negative health sense. Everyone has heard of overload. We subjected us to great physical strain without receiving enuf rest and recovery. The body will never have time to recover. But everyone should carry a form of activity. Most people should exercise a half hour 3 times a week, with moderate intensity.

Health is such a broad concept, it has an impact on what we do in the course of a week, appearance, training, and job. Few of us are directly dependent on being in good shape to perform our work. But the healthy, strong, young body has a different meaning. It has become a social symbol that we are successful and have control over ourselves and our lives. When we stand up as veltrimmede and slender bodies, we send out signals to the surroundings. We have the will, ability and resources to develop ourselves. A body that looks healthy and fresh, is actually become a status symbol.�

This leads to a few consequences. It has been proven through studies that people with a look that is close to body ideals, the easier work, better work, and milder punishment in the criminal justice system, and they are considered more pleasant, more intelligent and more social than people without the same degree satisfies the body ideals. Many will do anything to get closer and to be compared with body ideals, and this is not always a positive effect. Radical demands to be thin for eating disorders.�

A desire for ever larger muscles can lead to drug abuse. Top sports, but also sport, is criticized for promoting dangerous body ideals. But while the sport may serve to soften one-sided ideals. Most sports do not focus on how your body looks, but on how it works. The negative effects have a major impact on the health of an athlete, or just doing regular excercise. But they have a positive impact as well. By training only half an hour 3 days a week, with moderate intensity, reduces Mon sick leave at work, and Perceiving, therefore more money. Mon also reduces the risk of high blood pressure, and the state reduces the amount of drugs, and can therefore spend the money on other things, such as better sports facilities. Sport is also a social. More join the sports clubs because they want to meet new people and make new friends, and this has a positive effect on health. Inactivity can cause obesity. We have a less physically active lifestyles. Both work and school days containing less activity than before, and it has become common to use means of transport to and from work, leisure activities and school that does not involve physical activity. Sitting for leisure activities have become stronger competitors to the physical activities. Increased physical activity in the form of exercise or training can only compensate for the reduced daily activity. The sum is that physical activity declines, with the health challenges this entails.�
Increasing obesity in the population is a big challenge so. "In the last 15 years, men on average have gone up approx. 5 kg and females 5.8 kg in weight.�

If each of us improve the health, the community as a whole more healthy. It means we can work and produce more, and have fewer sick days. How can sports, fitness and exercise provide significant socio-economic gains.�

In 1999, it formed a new state agency under the Health and Social Affairs to promote physical activity in the population. The former state ern�ringsr�d was to the State Council for Nutrition was the government's advice for nutrition and physical activity. The new Council operates significant activity in the form of to initiate research and carry extensive consulting work when it comes to nutrition, physical activity and health in the population and the Council distinguishes himself clearly in the public debate.�

Also sports organizations sports health effects as one of its strongest arguments to gain support from the public. In fact, the health of one of the most important values in the NOC's mission statement "All athletic activity should be based on fundamental values such as sporting joy, community, health and honesty."�

It is true that the moderate sports activity can provide health gain and hence socio-economic gain. But sport also requires resources. It costs lots of money. It allocated a lot of money from the profits from gaming funds for construction of sports facilities. Many just doing regular excercise and trimmers are more or less injuries, which uses the coating on hospital resources and leads to the absence of work. Several researchers have calculated how much the sports injuries costs, and they have reached 1.5 billion a year. Nor do any kind of sport is as healthy. Sports injuries account for about 17% of all injuries in Norway. Eating disorders constitute a part of the 17%. Eating disorders are found among women and men.�

Sports and mental health�
WHO parts into their health definition in two parts: what we call physical health and mental health. We will focus on the mental health and explain how it affects the sport.�

A very large portion, which includes approximately 1 / 3 of Norway's population are not involved with any kind of form of regular exercise or organized training. They are regarded as inactive, and that one third of the population are also those who are suffering with the most and great mental distress. Studies have also shown that if an inactive person select and start training, it is not certain that the person gets rid of their ailments or disorders. This may be the research by recruiting inactive people with mental health and mental disorders, to engage with training and exercise.�

The reason that the inactivation is considered to have the most problems, is that those already involved in regular exercise and training is much less likely to develop mental disorders in the first place. Nevertheless, research for sports and mental health found that training and active exercise can reduce scrolling. stress, depression, anxiety, headache, fatigue and muscle pain. Exercise can also have an opposite effect. If there are high demands for performance that is seen as a threat to the example. Running on a team, this may contribute to increased stress and poor mental health. It is important that you feel in a safe in the environment Mon driver activity and that it is motivating to those who participate, not ends.�

Among children and youth sports, this is a problem that's growing larger and larger, but also among adults, with many stops or falls off. Among the previously inactive adults who start exercising, stop on average after 6 months. It is therefore important to find the right balance between pleasure, mastery and challenge. Proper sports and physical activity also provides psychological well-being and profit, and helps to strengthen self-esteem especially to children and adolescents, and adults.�

Mental health is the largest trade association for users, relatives and other interested mental health services in Norway.�

Sports and quality of life�
As individuals, we have self-responsibility for our own health and quality of life. Humans have always been looking for to find the key to the good life. Sport and physical activity can be called a source of increased and better quality of life.�

The term quality of life is not a self-written term fixed definition, for there is great freedom in what one understands this concept. Nevertheless, the World Health Organization (WHO) defined quality of life as such; personal perceptions of their own position in life, in light of current cultural and value systems and in relation to their own objectives, expectations, standards and what they are concerned. To understand this more easily we can explain what individuals positive, negative, cognitive and emotional experiences. Even if the person has good health, big house and a high income, this does not mean necessarily that the person is happy. There are also people who are happy without all this. Happiness is an important factor for good quality of life!�

By conducting the training that provide positive experience and intrinsic value, we can thus enhance our self-picture. Joy, community, coping and progress in the training context also provides a positive surprise of himself, by achieving goals they have set themselves.�

Quality of life is a pretty new concept, even though the people have always asked the question around "the good life". Quality of life is very extensive and can tell how people experience different aspects of the experience in his life. If you are active, and has an affinity with people, have a sense of self and are excited and happy.

Written by pettersorlie

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