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Analysis Of Classic Short Stories

Analysis of Classic Short Stories

Analysis of Classic Short Stories

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Analysis of Classic Short Stories

Jul 22nd, 2010

Here is an analysis of classic short stories from western literature which will help other students get a good idea of what the stories are about.

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Annotated Bibliography of Short Stories

Bashevis, Singer Isaac. ?Gimpel the Fool? 1957

This is a story about a man who gets constantly played for a fool by all those around him. The setting is a slowly developing suburban town-like atmosphere during the early 20th century. The theme of keeping high spirits and not letting others get you down becomes a major illustration in this work. A benefiting influence of faith is shown by the protagonist as Gimpel sets a personal example through his conduct, and the use of self-mastery over his emotions. He decides that it is better to not let negative situations and bad people hurt him, which, they aim to do by�consistently engaging him with disrespect. The darker aspect of humanity�is given light through these depraved interactions. He uses logic and reasoning to justify his tolerance for their foolish pestering by relating it to his faith, as he decides to toy with the idea that perhaps these inconceivable acts could happen in a situation unrelated to his� -and if they could- maybe he should just deal with them the best way possible. ?In the first place everything is possible as it is written in the Wisdom of the Fathers.? (Singer 238) His rabbi even told him: ?it is written, better to be a fool all your days than for one hour to be evil. You are not a fool. They are the fools. For he who causes his neighbor to feel shame loses Paradise himself.? Such deliberate unkindness is an obvious reflection of the perpetrators own low developed self-regard.�Some people�find it easier to project their own low�self image�to others rather than to be uplifting. It was sad to read how Gimpel was pressured into marriage with a woman who is evil-minded and unsavory, and gothic impact is further compounded when given examples of her cruelness. Her constant infidelities and mental torment�aimed to hurt Gimpel, but, they�would not bring him down (no matter how�desperately she tried). This story gives good examples of the possitive aspect of�Jewish faith. It shows the importance of critical thinking, possitive personal reflection, and to seek wisdom from others when needed. The seemingly overriding theme of negativity does not end up dictating the story though, Gimpel decided it was best not repay harm with harm. This ultimately proves that he�was the better person.

Chopin, Kate. ?The Story of an Hour? December 6, 1894,

Upon hearing news of a fatal train accident, Richard decides to rush to the home of Mrs. Mallard to break news of her recent loss. This was not wise because Mr. Mallard was later found to be in good health and not even aware of the tragedy. Upon hearing the news she wept with a ?sudden wild abandonment? and issolated herself in a locked room. The emotional roller-coaster ride Mrs. Mallard was put through strained her nerves so much, she suffered a heart attack.

This setting for this story takes place in an average American home during the latter part of the 19th century. Contributing to an already established gothic theme; gender opression is inferred through examples of how she is suddenly put into a state of self-reflection about her marriage and true level of happines. In that time in history society was largely male dominated and women were treated with lesser status; they could not vote, hold important offices, and�also denied social equality. These facts -even though not plainly stated- helps one understand why Mrs. Mallard was unhappy. This is when it hit her and she realized she was not fully committed to her marriage, and also somewhat bitter aswell: ?had loved him [her husband]?sometimes. Often she did not.? She sat in deep reflection of the incident and started to get in touch with a deeper sense of relief and joy which, was not strong within her previously. Her husband?s death gave way to a new birth of freedom for her "Free! Body and soul free!" she kept whispering.? (Chopin 160) After experiencing this revelation, she emerged from the room with a ?feverish triumph? look reflecting from her eyes as she descended the stairs. Things soon turned for the worst in her mind though, as she got to the base Mrs. Mallard suffered a heart attack upon seeing Mr. Mallard walk through the front door. He was obviously not dead --a sight perhaps too overwhelming for the suddenly liberated female spirit, as, not only her joy but her physical body got killed right then and there. The doctors said that ?she had died of heart disease?of the joy that kills?. (Chopin 161) This work is considered revolutionary because not many authors had the courage to write about the concept of female unhappines during those times. By bringing the subject to light other women were able to see, that, if they were unhappy with their place in society--they were not alone.

Cofer, Ortiz Judith. ?Arturo?s Flight?1995

The story depicts a young kid feeling critical about how his parents and other people treat him. The theme of self-idealization is a major component of this work and is further developed trough the struggles he goes through. The setting is a low income Puerto Rican neighborhood; it is unwelcoming, cold, and to Arturo--it feels like a maze that's engineered to make the people who live there trapped in a stressful reality. He is one of many who grow up in economically segregated communities. Depictions of limited opportunity and daily struggle people who live there encounter, set the stage for a theme of hardship and help one understand why children like him who grow up in the projects struggle with self-identity. However, the story also illustrates the positive aspects of help and friendship. In a time of crisis, Arturo is befriended by a church custodian named Jonathan. He saw the young boy feeling down and decided to give him some friendly support and good advice which, end up making him think twice about running away. The plot of the story unfolds with a classroom recital of poetry that causes Arturo much embarrassment. He is asked to stand in front of his peers and read where they mock and laugh at him. To add to grief the torment extends to areas outside the classroom. In response to animosity he rebels against conformity�and takes on the ?punk look?, perhaps, in hope that others will not see him as a vulnerable target. However, his peers still treat him with disrespect and neighbors acted like he was a nuisance, complaining to his parents about his looks. Jonathan told him about personal tragedies him and his family experienced during WWII which made Arturo's problems feel diminutive. The young boy was impressed with this older man's ability to overcome struggle and acquired a new found hope to tackle his own problems. He remembered Jonathan's words: ?It does not matter where I go, I can always find peace in myself? (Cofer 318). In greater context, this story shows how stereo-typing hurts people. It indirectly helps others see that in order for society to work�people have to try to get along with each other. It is important not to look at differences as distancing factors�in forming social bonds, but�rather, as unique attribute and personal�preference instead. After all; if we all looked and acted the same things would probably get pretty dull.

Ellison, Ralph. ?Battle Royal? 1952

The narrator is also the protagonist in this story of youthful reminiscence and struggle it took him to find�personal identity. It was difficult for him because, social support and opportunity was not readily available to the black community. In those backward days blacks were discriminated, abused, and deprived of resources. The setting�developed in a public place that had been turned into a make-shift boxing ring. A common theme in this story is dealing with cruelty and humiliation. The protagonist was invited to give a high school graduation speech before a crowd of the towns leading white citizens. The plot unfolds when this young man's opportunity for acknowledgement is turned instead, into a cruel joke. It turns out that the Battle Royale was used to provide violent entertainment at the expense of black participants. ?When I got there I discovered that it was on the occasion of a smoker, and I was told that since I was to be there anyway I might as well take part in the battle royal to be fought by some of my schoolmates as part of the entertainment.? (Ellison 228) After he suffers injuries he was finally allowed to give the speech but, only to be met with insults by a bunch of unruly drunkards. To add to torture; the participants were then made to pick up so called "prize" winnings from an electrically charged, and damp rug. This story is revolutionary because it uncovers epidemic cruelty blacks suffered at the hands of whites, at a time when society tolerated�this�degederate behavior. The work contains many gothic and dreary elements, however, the subject is used in a matter which both; help provide encouragement to those under oppression, and love for self independent of social support. The reader is left with little else to do but admire the protagonists? ability to triumph in the face of adversity and injustice.

Faulkner, William. ?A Rose for Emily? April, 1930

This story explores the gothic aspects about coming to terms with the death of a loved one, and more importantly--how to�emotionally and physically�let go of their dead body. Emily is an elderly woman who... for some reason, clings to the corpse of her fianc�e and even sleeps next to it? The reader is given a glimpse to her morbid obsession that was�mostly result of unhealthy attachment issues. The setting takes place in a fictional place called "Yonknapatawpha County, Mississippi." From beginning to end death is the major theme. The work starts with the funeral of Emily Grierson and the plot unfolds as the town prepares to engage in proceedings. Once looked after by the community as sort of social obligation, the caring of Miss Emily had�evolved into�tradition: ?Alive, Miss Emily had been a tradition, a duty, and a care; a sort of hereditary obligation upon the town? (Faulkner 212) However, later she became disregarded and thought mentally disturbed by most, she kept herself issolated and�didn't like socializing with people. Most�guests went to her funeral just to satisfy some sense of morbid curiosity since, she had become such a topic of� intrigue. Her dilapidated home seemed to add a gloomy allure to an already colorful funeral. People didn?t really have much compassion for her and had already begun to raise eyebrows about the stuff she did. For example; one day when she bought poison at the drug store some said: "She will kill herself"; and we said it would be the best thing.? (Faulkner 215) The funeral crowd got more than what they bargained for though, many were shocked with the discovery of another corpse. Mrs. Emily?s long forgotten fianc�' was also found in another room. It was an area no one--not even her butler had dared to visit. The human head shape indentions on pillows next to it indicated someone had been regularly sleeping in that bed also.

Hemingway, Ernest. ?A Clean, Well-Lighted Place? 1933

This story takes place in a diner during the late hours of night and evokes feelings of late-night insomniatic ventures found in big city environmnet. A common theme in this story is that of solidarity which is shown when one of the two waiters in the story (the older one)�finds himself�identifying with an old man who seems tired and lonely. Through his conscientiousness he is able to gain insight into his situation by the fact that the old man just wants to hang-out in the comfortable atmosphere of a clean and well-lighted place. The younger waiter is quite the opposite; showing only reproach and inconsiderateness, as he sees the old man as just some unhappy drunk interfering with his chances to close early so he can be off to bed. The plot unfolds�when these�two waiters�take time from�their shift to converse about how they view the old man?s situation and then try collectively to make sense of it, even though they end up having differences in opinion. This story also helps to project a style of proper social conduct to the reader. The older waiter sees that the diner serves a purpose; it is there specifically so people like this old man could have a place to go and feel comfortable, and no matter how�eager they may both�be to close early and go home it is their responsibility to provide a service. Nothing is an important word in this story and�is also�used�to�provide an element of paradox. The young waiter portrays the old man was very unhappy and even suicidal (in his� superficial analysis) but, when asked by the older waiter to define what the cause was all he could say was: it must be ?nothing?. He reasoned it had to be nothing because the old man had plenty of money and material happiness, and to a waiter -who�works within the context of�manual labor�to make�a living- money and material wealth must be all�the necessities�for happy existence. This proposes a paradox of seeing that the emotional state of despair�may have no significant underlying�cause and that instead of trying to make sense of others discomfort it may ultimately be�easier to use personal judgement, because,�in certain situation�being conscientious may be too difficult of a task for some. The work takes readers into minds of two opposing perspectives�within the same ethnic group. Even though they have different insights about the same situation, both�try to analyze�it according to terms of individual understanding. It shows�how humans have difficulties relating to one another in�certain social situations reguardless of culture, place, day, and time.

Kafka, Franz. ?The Metamorphosis? 1915

The story symbolizes a young man (Gregor) who is forced to work ?like a bug? for the financial needs of his family. The protagonist ends up becoming a victim to the social pressures around him, and accordingly, sees him-self metaphorically turning into a bug. He was well intended young man who tried to support the family?s needs�because they were in debt. The common theme of transformation in this story starts one morning when he found himself drained of all spiritual energy, and feeling very weak and unmotivated. His body then started to ?shut down? which was due mostly to the fact that he had not taken any time off from work in the past, and was burned out. The setting takes place in Gregors room mostly but, also includes some other areas of his family?s apartment. A melancholy perspective is further�elaborated through this text as Gregor?s condition is only shown to�worsen. He began to lose appetite, sanity, and family support (even though he probably never had much family support, only encouragement to continue providing financial support). This is when he saw himself becoming some sort of an insect creature, and thus, started acting like one. His family could not understand him and did not want to really try. Seing their financial sittuation more distraught his family was forced to go out and get jobs; meanwhile, finding�it easier and more convenient to distance him physically and emotionally, and encouraging him to confine himself to his room. His sister who was closest to him suggested to her parent?s that they should ?just get rid of it? which ultimately broke his heart. It�would not be much later when he was found dead in his room by the cleaning lady. The style of this story is dark and gloomy, literary elements of imagery provide gothic appeal and�make Kafkas? overriding message -to first work for yourself and not for the inconsiderate needs of others- much more of an important ideology to consider when reading this story.

Melville, Herman. ?Bartleby, the Scrivener?1853

A common phrase in this story ?I prefer not to? relates to the personal reasoning?s of a man who does not want to give self-power away to the workings of circumstances that come up in his life, and is ultimately not in agreement with .The story takes place in big city metropolis and relays an atmosphere of hustle and rush�pace of life. Bartleby gives insight into an enigmatic and eccentric character�which stirs up great intrigue from the reader. One is tempted to make haste judgments about his personality -for the worst-� since, Bartleby acts with disengagement and displays isolative type responses when other people try to interact with him. It is not clearly known why he views others requests or work related directives to be so potentially harmful but, it can be reasonable to assume that he does it out of prerogative or perhaps to protect his emotions. When circumstances call for him to wander outside of his ?comfort zone?, he starts to withdraw both emotionally and socially. As it is later explained; Bartleby suffered as a result from the loss of his job as a clerk for the Dead Letter Office in Washington; which seemed to have affected all areas of his personal life along with emotional state. The lawyer portrays an affectionate character that does not choose to bring about unfavorable circumstances to Bartleby even though he cannot reason with him or get some type of insight into his afflicted mind. This was usual since in these earlier times people were far less conscientious towards one another. Dark elements are brought into play towards the end of the story when Bartleby is involuntarily committed into incarceration. It turns out that people figured, that, since he was so extraordinarily difficult to understand it was better to remove him from society. This gives light to the workings of "mob type mentality" and�its application to the persecution of emotionally disadvantaged individuals based on distorted reasoning of public opinion.

O?Connor, Flannery. ?Good Country People? 1955

O?Connor?s story delves into family personalities�which have learned to coexist with each other amongst difficulties of character (functioning disfunctuals). Mrs. Hopewell learned to be easy-going with people but, was somewhat stuck in her ways. Making personal judgments about people becomes a theme and is shown through her character, as she considers herself to be in a possition to�frequently judge others. She claims that the act of being ?simple country folk? (by her own definition) is a prerequisite to universal goodness found in humans. The story unfolds through her inter actions with her daughter Joy. Their relationship�shows to have an underlying�pattern of unresolved emotion,�which made it difficult for them to communicate as grown adults. Joy was under the constant impression that she was never acknowledged as mature in her mother?s views, and therefore, always treated like a child. This made it extremely difficult for her to have a good attitude around her.?It was hard for Mrs. Hopewell to realize that her child was thirty-two now and that for more than twenty years she had had only one leg. She thought of her still as a child because it tore her heart to think instead of the poor stout girl in her thirties who had never danced a step or had any normal good times.? (O?Connor 250) She also treated joy with insincerity and�remained hesitant about seeing the way her interactions impacted their relationship. Her judgment was often clouded,�it mislead her�to make�false assumptions about�a young bible-selling con-artist, who, ended up hurting Joy's feelings...all because he�seemed like ?good country folk? to her. He seduced her�and put her mind at ease so�he could take�the�artificial leg away, all in�some twisted�plot to keep it as a�trophy. This story uses a lot of dark elements to�evoke feelings�of gloom and cruelty. The characters have developed abnormal styles of cohabitation�but seem to have accustomed to it so much, that�hope for change seems too difficult of a task. It takes the reader into the minds and thought patterns of people�who are truly ?stuck in their ways?; no matter how erroneous or self-defeating they prove to be. It does not do much to help distance the attachment of�negative stereotypes to seemingly "good old�country folk".

Porter, Ann Katherine. ?The Jilting of Granny Weatherall? 1930

This story deals with coming to terms with death. Granny Wetherall is an old woman spending her dying days confined to a type of bed-ridden existence. The setting is the home of her daughter Cornelia where granny was now being looked after. The plot unfolds as the family doctor comes to make a routine inspection of her health. Granny does not appreciate the way in which the doctor treats her, and generally applies the same feeling for those around her as well. His constant joking manner is met with her disapproval, because she feels like he is belittling her sense of intellectuality. The theme of emotional unhappiness is shown by the fact that granny struggles with her happiness, and is in constant distrust with the people around her; who?s intentions she re evaluates because she feels like they see her as a burden and are just trying to put up with her. This story is riddled with disillusion. Granny reflects on her past failed love, who had left her at the altar. Even though she sees herself to have been able to carry on a meaningful existence without him, she reverts back to the past as though she is trying to find closure to the harm that she went through. She is forced to deal with the fact that she never really got over him dumping her, but, realizes that she is going to die in the not too distant future, and that she better try to deal with it the best she can. Finally, when death comes she is not ready for it ??I?m not going, Cornelia. I?m taken by surprise. I can?t go? (Porter 210). Not only does this work drag you down, but it also has a tendency to make you want to slap yourself, -maybe twice or so- because this situation makes little sense. People live life, get old, and die. It really is that simple- that?s why it is better to live a life you can be happy about, -forget about letting emotions turn for the worst and end up becoming a by-product of bitterness- life is too valuable for that. No use in trying to mend emotional baggage which has been damaged long-ago, when it?s time to take that final trip to the ever-after.

Tolstoy, Leo. ?The Death of Ivan Illych? 1886

In Tolstoy?s first piece of fiction, the theme of morality seems to be most targeted. Ivan is the central character and when his death reaches his colleagues, the superficial realities of upper-class perspectives are shed into light when instead of truly mourning for their collogue, they wondered how the post would be re occupied and how it would affect them. Tolstoy describes the privileged life of the rich, as he tells us about Ivan. He was the most distinguished of three sons born into the higher social class of Russian society. Ivan met an early death at 45 while serving as a court justice, however, he did not live a life free from corruption, but, felt that his actions were justifiable because he was of higher social class - and those like him had heightened air of respectability which gave him enough power over others to pretty much do whatever he wanted- however, he prided himself on not ever abusing his power. This goes to show the dark and distorted reasoning that corrupt people use to justify their disgraceful behavior. The emphasis on this distorted sense of morality is perhaps the overriding theme of this work, and shows how it is also carried into family life, as Ivan?s marriage became tainted with inconsiderateness, false pretenses, and gender suppression. It was not long before the marriage was emotionally disillusioned by jealousy, contempt, and irritability. We are also shown the results of sinful existence when his entire existence became over powered with bitterness and uncontrollable anxiety - even when pleasant opportunities were realized- they would soon be destroyed by his negativity as the joy was too much for him and his wife to deal with on a functional basis. Ignorance also becomes a highlighted fact as he chooses playing whist with his colleagues as a form of therapy, instead of finding other resolution for his problems. It was this ignorance that would lead him to suffer an accident that would turn out to be fatal. He found himself getting sicker and dying. He knew he was dying but could not grasp the idea, as he started to reflect on his life he realized it lacked true happiness. When he started to crave attention from others he quickly realized that it was not genuine and this only made him angrier, since, he could tell his daughter and son felt uncomfortable and scared around him. Ignorance once again becomes displayed in literary form, as it suddenly occurred to him that ?he had not lived as he should have,? (Tolstoy 146) but immediately sheltered his ego with denial recalling ?how correct his whole fife had been and dismissed this bizarre idea.?(Tolstoy146) This is a sad story overruled with gothic impact, it serves a purpose to show people what not to do with their married lives, and how not to value materialness over healthy living. It goes to exemplify how dignity is not something pertaining to a higher social class or economic situation and that the seemingly ?perfect? people are actually the ones that have total ?imperfectness? in their lives.

Walker, Alice. ?Everyday Use? 1973

In this story, Mrs. Walker tells how two daughter?s sense of cultural identity ultimately puts them in conflict with each other because; negative aspects of early life experience were allowed to create friction within the family bond.

The story takes place in early 20th century. The setting; a family home found in one of America?s southern states. The dialogue is narrated by their mother as she witnesses the home coming of her accomplished older daughter Dee. As she waits her arrival, she reminisces about past tragedies. She remembers the day their home was burned to the ground and younger daughter Maggie was injured--a family tragedy for sure. Dee however, dances around the ashes in joy; a metaphor of new found freedom by watching the destruction of a place which held so much misery for her as a child. There she sits in a beautifully prepared yard waiting her daughter?s arrival. The plot unfolds as Dee pulls up in her fancy car driven by her private chauffer. Arrogance overpowers her character as she exits the automobile with an exaggerated sense of importance. The reader is given insight into her higher sense of class, through, the ways she flaunts her privileged life-style. Dee portrays herself with prosperity and self-achievement and chooses the family residence to showcase her triumph, -as if to say- ?look how rich I've gotten, while you all are still in poverty?. The family also learned that she changed her name because it was one given by the ?oppressor?. Maggie didn't really know how to react to Dee's homecoming because she didn?t understand the significance of Dee's educational accomplishments, and more importantly; how they liberated her mind from historical bonds of racial oppression. Maggie was still living in a sheltered reality and didn't see how generations of slavery really hurt people. It didn't hit her that it's probably easier for Dee to flaunt around them because she feels safer, or that Dee was disappointed to see her family lacked what she now had. Not enough insight about Dee's thoughts are given to really know why she acted that way, but, it does become apparent that she should have behaved kinder. The main event in the story happens when Dee asks her mother to hand over the family heirloom--a quilt. The mother denies, saying it's reserved for Maggie instead. This upsets Dee because she claims her younger sister is too "ignorant" to take proper care of it. In this work, the importance of maintaining family unity through changing or troubling times becomes a central theme--even though it's not directly stated. It's clear the family experienced many hardships and difficult situations due to poverty and other ills of society, because, it seemed like things would have been different if all had the same opportunity for success. For Dee, social progress meant that she had to distance herself from the past. Unfortunately, the very same process distanced her family as well. They had a difficult time trying to figure out where she was coming from, and found it unappealing for the most part.

Chopin, Kate. ?The Story of an Hour? December 6, 1894, Hall, Prentice, Literature Portfolio, 2007, Kansas City MO

Joyce, James. ?Araby? 1914, Hall, Prentice, Literature Portfolio, 2007, Kansas City, MO

Tolstoy, Leo. ?The Death of Ivan Illych? 1886, Hall, Prentice, Literature Portfolio, 2007, Kansas City, MO

Ellison, Ralph. ?Battle Royal? 1952, Hall, Prentice, Literature Portfolio, 2007, Kansas City, MO

Porter, Ann Katherine. ?The Jilting of Granny Weatherall? 1930, Hall, Prentice, Literature Portfolio, 2007, Kansas City, MO

Faulkner, William. ?A Rose for Emily? April, 1930, Hall, Prentice, Literature Portfolio, 2007, Kansas City, MO

Steinbeck, John. ?The Chrysanthemums? 1937, Hall, Prentice, Literature Portfolio, 2007, Kansas City, MO

O?Connor, Flannery. ?Good Country People? 1955, Hall, Prentice, Literature Portfolio, 2007, Kansas City, MO

Bashevis, Singer Isaac. ?Gimpel the Fool? 1957, Hall, Prentice, Literature Portfolio, 2007, Kansas City, MO

Cofer, Ortiz Judith. ?Arturo?s Flight?1995, Hall, Prentice, Literature Portfolio, 2007, Kansas City, MO

Lewis, Trudy.?Limestone Diner? October 2004, , Hall, Prentice, Literature Portfolio, 2007, Kansas City, MO

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