Sunday, August 5, 2012

Healthy Living

Healthy Living?
by fox_maple

My husband and I are really clashing in our views about health. I'm almost 27 and I've come to a point in my life when I'm thinking about the future. I don't want to keel over from a heart attack at 50 and I don't want my husband to either. I was raised with a good diet and I like to eat healthy, but my husband only likes red meat, potatoes, and bread. Thus far in our marriage I've adjusted my cooking to please him, but I'm literally sick of it...eating like that sucks away all my energy. In the past we have also smoked (only on the weekends...but still) and drank too much. I want to make changes but he just won't. He wont eat my healthier cooking (he just goes out and buys chips, and fried carry-out), he keeps coming home with cigarettes and refuses to even take a freaking vitamin. What am I going to do? I can't live like this, and he shouldn't. His dad is 55, diabetic, and has heart disease.
p.s. its not like he is ignorant to the risks of his lifestyle either....he just doesn't care.


Answer by ◄ The Wižard ►
I understand your concerns but I think you're going about it the wrong way. You're not going to convince a man he needs to change what he eats and does becasue you feel that way or say he should. You should eat like you want to and let him do the same. He is a grown man and has the right to make that decision. I'm sure he likes being told what he should be eating and doing about as much as you would like him telling you to eat like he does. Just understand you are two different people and have different ideas. If he sees how healthy you are eating, he may change his idea on things becasue he wants to but definitely not becasue you are telling him too and fussing about it. Goodluck.

Answer by cris
It isn't hard as long as you make things that still taste good to him, but are a little healthier. The red meat isn't that big of an issue, just stick to red meat that is lower in fat. Only use ground round or sirloin for things that require ground beef. Steam veggies, if he wont eat them alone put melted cheese on his. Switch to multigrain bread, he will get use to it. And potatoes from time to time aren't going to hurt him either. Also get a good juicer, if he wont eat his veggies, then get him to drink them. He wont know they are in there, use an apple and carrots to hide the taste of greens like spinach. Add a yam and beets also. The juice alone will make you both feel better if you drink it every day. And you get all your servings of veggies and fruit at the same time. Slowly over time when he realizes he is feeling better and has more energy he will start to change.
As far as the smoking, you cant make him stop he has to do that on his own.

Answer by mamabear
Let him eat what he wants. He's a grown man. Maybe he'll change his mind when he sees you eating healthy.

Answer by reetha s
check this link its good


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