Saturday, August 11, 2012

Health Food

health food ???
by tara b

Why are healthy, natural foods such as veggies and fruits so damn expensive, but the super fattenening burgers and fries are on the dollar menu??? If you are not near home and it's lunch time. You figure you'll run through Mcd's drive thru and a salad is $ 5 but a double cheeseburger is only a dollar. Or you call up a local family restaurant and ask how much a salad is...$ 7 for a salad. Yet a burger and fries is only $ 4. WHY IS THIS???? I mean if the majority of Americans are overweight, why shouldn't the food industry lower the price of healthy choices???


Answer by emilybarrington
burgers, chicken nuggets, fries.... alll mass produced out of gross parts of animals and frozen. they keep for forever and are cheap to make. salad ingredients need to be fresh AND look fresh, no one wants wilted or browing lettuce, plus none of that stuff keeps for very long, they probably waste alot.

Answer by flatgirl
good point you have just made, human just killing ourselves. we have plenty vigitables and just we are losing the skill of cooking them, i think developing countries have better eating habit than us. pathetic.

Answer by beebs
There is actually a valid reason, but it sucks. The government subsidises the meat and poultry industry, giving HUGE grants to farms that torture and kill animals for food, but they DO NOT give grants to organic or vegetable farmers! It outrageous to me, that a pound of beef costs less than a pint of fresh raspberries. The government seams to think that it is perfectly normal to eat animals, but veggies arent worth subsidizing. I am so tired of having to pay the big bucks just to eat healthy. The FDA thinks its fine to eat the preserved, chemical laden stuff, but aims to punish us that want lovely fresh fruit and veggies-especially ones that have not been sprayed with boatloads of pesticide. It shocking! THe veggie farmers have to charge more, because they cant rely on the government for financial aid-its all independant. The government also buys up surpluss meat and dairy, that is on the verge of going bad, and distributes it to nursing homes, prisons and school lunchrooms-in that order. SO that means the school lunch food is at the very bottom of the food chain.

Answer by XOXOXOXO
Because usually the fattening stuff has SOME kind of corn product in it (high fructose corn syrup, corn oil, hydrolized corn fat) and anything to do with corn is subsidized by the federal government, therefore cheaper to purchase for the people making the food---the highest profit is their motive, they really don't care if you drop dead tomorrow, there will be some other customer to take your place. Take charge of your health and healthy eating yourself, always read labels, be careful in your the extra amount, if you want to live a full, healthy life...

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